Thursday, November 5, 2009

To prevent Cough n Cold

1. If 5-6 drops of honey is added to the Neem leaves juice and gargled relief is got from throat pain or sore throat.

2. Some people reduce the quantity of drinking water when there is cold. Instead of taking in only water, orange juice, Tomato, Carrot, Salads or intake of fresh vegetables like Cucumber is preferable.

3. A whole onion is steam boiled and the soft inner pulp is mixed with honey. This can be used as a remedy for throat irritation.

4. People suffering from cold every now and then, can take a decoxion made out of Carom seeds.

5. If suffering from cold, add lemon juice to the cup of hot Tea when you drink. The problems due to cold are reduced and freshness is gained back.

6. Instead of Chilies the black pepper seeds are good for cooking. This reduces cold, cough, fever and keeps us away from other cold related problems.

7. To get rid of cough problems, a pinch of Turmeric powder, ¼ tsp black pepper powder and crystal sugar is added to milk before drinking. This can be had before going to bed.

8. During rainy season, when the body becomes cold and problems due to cold start arising, then to keep body in warm condition, raw or boiled Garlic can be taken in. The habit of having cloves of garlic keeps the body health in good condition.

9. Add 4-6 basil leaves and boil while preparing Tea. Also add 1 tsp of Honey and 1 tsp of Butter to the prepared Tea. Cough is reduced by drinking this Tea when it’s hot( Note: No milk to be added).

10. A clove of garlic is eaten raw to get rid of severe cold. After eating garlic bad breathe can be stopped by drinking Tomato juice. The bad breathe is due to oil content in garlic. The acid content in Tomato helps reduce bad breathe.

11. If nostrils get blocked because of cold, ghee is inhaled like snuff. Then the tight nose gets released.

12. The juice content in Onion is taken out and absorbed into a cotton piece. Then for 15 minutes, it is to be held near the nostrils. This is repeated 3-4 times a day. In this way, severe cold can be brought under control.

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